Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up the following categories of posts in District Programme Management Unit ( DPMU ) , National Health Mission and various Health facilities in the East Godavari District in offline mode . . Details of the Post , Number of vacancies notified , Education qualifications and Experience […]
AP Medical Health department jobs notification
Applications are invited from the interested candiates for the following posts to work in Government General Hospital, Srikakulam on Contract basis for a period of six (6) monts in view of predicted COVID 3rd wave as mentioned below. Jobs and Qualifications : 18 MNO Vacancies and 18 FNO Vacancies – 10th class pass with First […]
AP Medical Health department , GGH Jobs notification, Srikakulam
GOVERNMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL , SRIKAKULAM – JOBS NOTIFICATION Government of ANDHRAPRADESH Invited applications from eligible and intrested candidates for the followng posts to work in government general hospital , Srikakulam on contract basis for a period of six months . 1) Paediatrician – 28 vacanciecs 2) Staff nurse -27 vacancies AGE : age considered […]